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About Us

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible" - Walt Disney

Star Zone Entertainment 

Star Zone Entertainment was founded in 2003 in Los Angeles. We apply excellent technical approaches to all of our work including TV/commercial castings, audio/radio show production, feature concert/event planning, promotion and publications (UniStar Kids). Our team utilizes our own sound studio, a streamline production, and top-notch artistic talent to design and produce high quality  services. We also specialize in serving as the local support team for oversea entertainment, media companies and agencies such as developing local marketing strategies, executing concert/event production and assisting concert administration.


星勢力娛樂於2003在洛杉磯成立,透過優質的服務與亞洲及美國的主流市場結合及合作。服務項目包括電視/廣告試音與試鏡、演唱會/活動執行與策劃、 電台/影音節目策劃及製作、行銷策略構思、廣告創作,並於2017年推出親子媒體平台UniStar Kids。我們更專精於將具有國際化水準的表演引進美國,至今執行與策劃過:五月天、張惠妹、李宗盛、劉若英、林俊傑、叮噹...等知名歌手在美演唱會,期許能把更多亞洲的音樂推至全美。


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